After “going to bed”, Ethan Ruan admits he and Chen Qiao En are now buddies!

March 3, 2008 

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Recently Chen Qiao En bared her back to promote her new book, and the tattoo on her waist has also become the media’s focus. Chen Qiao En said: “The tattoo on my waist was done in Taiwan. That was five years ago when I was recording an outdoor scene for China Is So Big and got an East Pakistan word in Yunan LiJiang. The translated meaning is “Be Contented and Forget”, the meaning is to be happy and contented and to be able to forget about unhappy things; after I got the tattoo, I found that it helps!”

Ethan Ruan and Chen Qiao En become close while filming Fated To Love You, and both share the same interest of “watching movies”. Chen Qiao En smiled and said: “In the drama, we fell in love with each other; but off-screen I feel that Ethan Ruan is like my younger brother.” Ethan Ruan also said: “It’s good to be like this, I feel that we have two rapports. One is when we were filming overseas, we support each other and built up a feeling of camaraderie, the other is after we “went to bed”. After the bed scene, we don’t feel awkward anymore!” Even though he said this, both of them do not dare to watch the preview for the bed scene, Ethan Ruan said jokingly: “Because we will feel shy!”

Fated To Love You will be airing on 16th of March and Ethan Ruan portrays the CEO of Asia’s largest daily chemicals enterprise. He is cold, business-like and aloof, who is completely different from sticky note girl Chen Xin Yi (Chen Qiao En) who is approachable and un-ambitious. Because in the drama Chen Xin Yi is a sticky note girl, SET conducted a “sticky note generation” survey together with 1111 manpower bank and found that there are 20% rate of “sticky note generation” at the workplace; which has the characteristics of “does not pursue outer beauty”, “cares a lot about what others think of themselves” and “does not dare to take the initiative when they meet the people they like”. Besides this, above 75% of the people surveyed likes to work with sticky note generation; what is contradictory is, 65% does not like being the sticky note generation!

Regarding her role of sticky note girl in the drama, Chen Qiao En said: “Actually I do not have a lot of lines in the drama, because for every word I said, Ethan Ruan scolds twenty words.” Ethan Ruan replied: “In the drama I bullied her, but it’s the reverse off-screen. Because I can’t order girls around, so I am not used to it; for this drama, I dug up all my bad nature!” Chen Qiao En smiled and said: “Sometimes when the director called “Cut”, Ethan Ruan immediately exclaimed: “I am so bad, why do I treat you like this!” It’s really funny.”

Published in: on March 26, 2008 at 2:36 pm  Comments (83)  

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83 CommentsLeave a comment


  2. OMG..

  3. I love Joe Chen in all of her movies. She’s cute, funny and lovely. I love Ethan in Fated to Love You also.


  5. gw suka bgt ma ethan ruan, baru pertama kali gw nonton film na, tapi kesan pertama aja dah menggoda bgt, mimpi gx yah gw pgn bgt ktm ma dy??hohoho..ethan..ur so cute n handsome..
    film ini oke bgt, n ceritanya very romantic n rada komedi..
    ethan bikin film lagi pasti nonton n beli dvd na
    good luck ethan ruan..
    mgkn gax yah ethan ke indo??
    tapi gx bakalan kale…
    indo terkenal dgn anti pornografina, soale epi 1 aj dah ada adegan sex, takutna ni film gx bole diputar di stasiun televisi.tapi gpp gw mendukung ethan bgt..

    fans km yag beradam di indo,


  6. i like JOE CHEN in this story.emmmmm ethan ruan not really

  7. ethan keren bngt..
    filmnya keren jg..
    joe chen..
    setiap film yg dia mainin aku pasti beli..
    lucu se..
    ethan ini baru pertama x aku liat..
    keren banget orangnya..
    aku juga maw ketemu kl dia k indo..
    jgn lupa” blng kl k indo y..


  8. i like joE cHen and ming dao the most!! Ethan Ruan???? uhm. . . . . he is okay but joe chen and ming dao is more suitable to each other!!! i like the tandem of the both! ming dao and joe chen forever!!! i hope there will be many movies and drama that they will do together in the future. . more power!

  9. Chen Qiao En is so interesting!

    She can be cute and lively, and then she can be full of attitude and just cool. Can’t wait for her future projects.

  10. best giler!!!rugi siapa yg x tngk taw..agagagaga..aku tengok cerita nih 5 kali!!!x jemu to…kekekekekekeekek..

  11. ehhh…qiao en is the best..ming dao also is the best…ethan ruan ok la…(so hot and cute also)
    so, qiao en & ming dao…when are both of you can come to medan – indonesia again???
    ohh..hoped that I can see both of you again for the second time…^ ^
    ethan is also ok..1st time I saw him at film ” Green Forest Home “…at there ethan more handsome than in Fated to loved you..but his acting in fated to love you was more interesting and funny because full of comedy rather than in green forest home…
    ok..that’s all..i’ll wait for the films that starred by qiao en, ming dao dan ethan again…(^o^ )d

  12. I think Ethan and Joe suits more with each other than Ming Dao. They have more chemistry together and Ethan has a “secured” thing about him. Well, he is also cute though,too!Can’t wait to see other dramas from Joe and Ethan, together!!!

  13. ethan ruan……
    chen qiao en….

    i love u so much…..

    gile…..fiLmnya keRend abisss uy…..

    ni prtamA kalinya quw liAt eThan ruan maen film…..
    langsung kepincut…..haghaghaghag

    ethan….kaPan k iNdonesia?????
    chen qiao en jg……

    duh…..quw salit ma aktingnya qiao en…..
    hebat banget…..

    cRita Fated To Love You ntu emank bner2 bagus….
    pertama kalinya quw nonton film sbagus ntu…..

    lbh bagus dr meteor garden…..pdhal quw dulu cinta ma MG……
    tp sJak da FTLY…..duh MG kalah uy……

    film2 qiao en smuanya bagus uy…..g’ terkalahkan

    love love love love love You so much

  14. ETHAN RUAN IS HOT HOT HOT!! I love him the S.H.E. music video!! Wow! He’s truly a guy that can’t cross overseas to the U.S.A. with the way he looks in that music video!
    He should come to the U.S.A.!!!

  15. Hahaha.. I got too excited talking about Ethan that I didn’t double check my writing!
    Ethan Ruan is very hot in the S.H.E. music video! He is definitely an Asian guy that CAN cross overseas to the U.S.A. and act. If he can learn English and pronounce it without much accent, he will do good here!

  16. i really love this drama “fated to love you..the story is so nice.
    i never believe that there would be another taiwan drama as good as “the prince who turns into the frog”, but actually “fated to love you” is really OK than “the prince who turns into the frog”. i was suprised by ethan ruan’s acting. his acting is very nature than in the “green forest my home”.Bravo to ethan. i wanna become his fans. As joe chen’s fans i just wanna say thumbs up for her. she has really good acting. Hope Ethan and Joe chen will come to Indonesia to promote this drama.i also hope that both of them can work together in another drama as a couple. i really hope it..

  17. i really love this drama “fated to love you..the story is so nice.
    i never believe that there would be another taiwan drama as good as “the prince who turns into the frog”, but actually “fated to love you” is really OK than “the prince who turns into the frog”. i was suprised by ethan ruan’s acting. his acting is very nature than in the “green forest my home”.Bravo to ethan. i wanna become his fans. As joe chen’s fans i just wanna say thumbs up for her. she has really good acting. Hope Ethan and Joe chen will come to Indonesia to promote this drama.i also hope that both of them can work together in another drama as a couple. i really hope it..

  18. i really like the drama.. they have a good chemistry… and it is a very funny drama.. it’s worth watching,.. no wonder it hit the number 1 spot on ratings worldwide.. 😀

  19. hi ETHAN RUAN and JOE CHEN… i really wish both of you made another dramas like fated to love you,both of you have a very good chemistry…i wish in reality both of you become lovers too…good luck for both of your career.. i finished watching fated to love you…i really enjoy…its one of the BEST…

  20. wow…. ethan.. im your no. 1 fan..
    i wish you could go here in Philippines…
    we have ethanian’s club…
    super fanatic

  21. at Tiffany’s core:she wants to break with Ethan so they can have a lot sex with Baron Chen.That’s the truth no lying she said that to me last September 25,2007She sais that to me when they are filming the bed scene of Fated To Love You….I’m sorry Tiffany.i have to say the truth to Ethan and so all.she said this to me when we have vacation in Canada Last September 25,2007.She wants this because he likes Baron Chen.that’s the truth.pls. say the truth Tiffany pls.Ethan break with her that’s what she wants with you.for the first I want you to Love Joe forever bec. she will not hurt you.and Tiffany wants this to play love with you not to love you she wants Baron Chen.Everynight when you are asleep.She goes out and went to Baron’s house and they kiss each other.that’s the truth I’m not lying.even if you demand me that’s the truth tiffany I am very sorry.I’m not your bestfriend.bec.from the start i never want you to be my bestfriend or friend or anything.slap my face tiffany if its not the truth.say to all taiwanees the truth.i thought you will be a good girl for Ethan but not.Joe chen is more compatible to Ethan not you because you are devil,I curse you forever,You are the long long lost twin of Satan,you are a motherfucker,bullshit and goodluck for your sex tonight you might have Aids!!!!

  22. Joe Chen from the start I Loved you.I remember our bed scene can we do it again?Tiffany i trust not to joke and this what you’ld gave me huh!blast it all I break now this time with you.I Love Joe Chen not you.I will propose her to night to be my girl forever.You shit(Tiffany)now go out with Baron.And thank you to Bianca for telling the truth

  23. OMG…
    im going crazy watching fated to love you…
    Ethan is so CUTE…
    i love it…..

  24. you rock!
    ethan ruan!
    i love you!
    you are so cute!!!!
    you are my ccrush!!!
    more drama to come….
    i love also joe cheng!
    in fated to love you.,frog prince,sakurano!!!!

  25. i really like this drama ever since they airing in my country last weeks ago, i so really very addict of that i watch it all the episode in 2days and play it again and again. I LOVE YOU Ethan Ruan and Chen Quiao En, I wish that you have a drama again I really waited for this!!!!! again I LOVE YOU Ji Cun Xi (Ethan Ruan) mwahh!!!

  26. love this drama very much!!! ethan ruan you’re so hot!!! mmmwah!

  27. Hello…I’m one of your fan,in the movie Green Forest My Home and Fated to Love you…Hope you receive my comment…your so handsome indeed.
    I also love joe cheng in fated to love you,sakurano,frog prince and other movie.

  28. i love watching Fated to Love You..
    Its very romantic and funny…

  29. ……..+I L♥ve thiS Drama it so very romantic+……..

    and everyday episode is give me as excited………!

  30. u are very funny in ur movie fated 2 love u i wish that u visit here in phillippines everyday i see u in ur movie television in and hope that u will more movies to cam thank u and I LOVE YOU ETHAN RUAN…………..IMSS UHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH


  32. i soo love this dramedy..

    ethan ruan sure improved a lot in his craft he’s acting is so good and he complimented well with joe chen.. i love their team up…

    and once again, joe chen did a very good job!

    uhm by the way.. this isnt a koreanovela.. its actually a taiwanese show..

    peace out javier.. 🙂


  34. WhoOOosh……
    Fated to love you is so awesome…..!
    i love Ethan Ruan….!
    he so handsome and gorgeous…..!
    and also, Cheng quian en….!!!!!

  35. WhoOOosh……
    Fated to love you is so awesome…..!
    i love Ethan Ruan….!
    he so handsome and gorgeous…..!
    and also, Cheng quian en….!!!!!
    i like it very much!

  36. I’m from Philippines
    fated to love you is now airing here in
    Phils.,the two dramas of them are also aired in the Phils. and now this one fated to love.The story is good and it makes me and my sis always cry for a while.
    i really like their team up, their is certain chemistry with them. I’m hoping for their next project together.

    good job

  37. I love this drama, simple yet romantic and the love team is so great,,, I like them!!! hope to seen them in more upcoming dramas together….

  38. i wish you two have relationship

  39. I really love ethan and joe chen!!

    i hope i see the two of them together again!!

    so cute together..

  40. hello i love to watch thea fated to love you
    ethan ruan is funny and nice person

  41. ETHAN RUAN ?!!! yes! you are the stars! you are so cute and your drama FATED To LOve You is the best drama ever!! Ethan plays so natural also Chen Quai En! You both is the perfect mate!! I am one of fans of you both!

  42. you are my idol ethan ruan i watch your movie all night
    and i always watch you in the in the youtube.
    takecare and takecare career.

    lovw danielle le-an l. garcia

  43. you are my idol ethan ruan i watch your movie all night
    and i always watch you in the youtube.
    takecare and takecare career.

    love danielle le-an l. garcia

  44. ur such an handsome face

  45. i love you

  46. your so cute .

  47. you now.

  48. → it rEally rOckZ!!i kip on watchin itz video every now and then.._ hope they’ll make another funny movie with the same characters.._dylan,anna,steven and xin yi.._i love the loveteam and itz story.._Godbless!

  49. hi!i would like to congratulate mr.ethan ruan….for making fated to love you the ….number 1….i love you

  50. i love you ethan ruan……….. i hope i will see you in personal… you love you!!!!!!!!!

  51. every night i will remember you face,you smile… you you the only one even im only an ordinary women…………love you

  52. im always watching fated to love you….every night…….i have no absent in your drama with joe chen……muwah…i hope that after you read this you will smile…………

  53. if you like to know me……im a filipina… in the philippines

  54. ethan!!im yuor no.1 fan in the philippines!!!!!!! it is nice to watch every day

  55. _ i Like the drAma sEries. .
    i Like it vEry vEry much!
    specially the cast. .
    ethan and joe chen . .
    they look good
    together!!i like thier
    love team!
    i also like ming dao and
    joe chen. .
    aHheheh. .
    its sad to know
    ehan have a girlfriend
    already, same as
    joe chen. .
    huhuhuhuhuhuhuh. . =(
    but i hope you can
    still have drama shows
    together . .
    and also
    dylan is so
    cute in the
    drama sries FTLY!
    keep up the good work!

  56. yourso hansam


  58. i want ethan ruan and joe chen to do more dramas.i am very addict of that i watch it all the episode in 2days and play it again and again. I LOVE YOU Ethan Ruan and joe chen, I wish that you have a drama again I really waited for this! again I LOVE YOU both! this is so romantic and funny!i dont like ming dao for joe chen. i want ethan ruan and joe chen!

  59. I Love you Ethan!!!! Hope you’ll have another movie with Joe Cheng! I just wish the best for both of you!I really love fated to love you!Pls.visit the Philippines!Many people love you here!!!

  60. hi poh i think keo nah
    dba hheheehehhehe

  61. i love to watch fated to love you, because ethan and joe are good to each other.

  62. i really do love ethan ruan and joe chen’s chemistry!!

    hope they’ll have lots of shows to come..

    i love “fated to love you”

    hihi :]]

  63. Wahhhhhhhhh hi Ethan I’m Posh frm the Philippines and i’m an avid fan of your.Show..hehehe ur so hndsome n portraying the character in the show/film/movie entitled FATED TO LOVE YOU i hpe we could be friends do u hve a friendster account??
    add me up thnx heheh i really admire u heheheh

  64. your movie was so successful.
    i love it 99 times.
    i always watch it every night in GMA 7
    joe chen and ethan ruan are a good actress and actor
    ilove them so much if they decide to come here in philippines i did n ot lost my chance to take picture with them..
    ilove you cindy and steven

  65. bagay kau…sana visit kau d2 sa philippines…ingats

  66. sana visit kau d2 sa philippines…ingats

  67. it is a kind of tv series worth day-ending with. It suck-out all the stresses felt during the day. thanks for that. Good job!

  68. ethan ruan and joe chen you have a good chemistry to each other….i wish you are really couple i wish that after i watch FTLY it’s so nice!!and i want to watch again and again…

  69. ethan please MARRY joe !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i ♥ you!

  70. ethan please MARRY joe !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    in true life

    i ♥ you!

  71. hi ,,, ethan ruan aka steven in fate to love you ,,
    u know i really really i like u ,,
    and i mis u so much ,, and i hpe someday i see u in personal

    ,,,and i

    w ish ur career will always sucess

  72. hi ethan ruan and joe chen,im ‘SHIENA’, im happy that i will give you a message. i just want say that im also your fan, i live here in the philippines. you know that i always watching on your television show here. i just want to say that i love your loveteam and hoping in real life you are also with together, im hoping also that you will also have more shows in the philippines, i love your team up and wish i will see you on personal, “always fight on what would problems will come”; i’ve learned on your movie fated to love you

  73. hi ethan and joe chen i miss FTLY

  74. i miss you ethan I LOVE YOU

  75. Love you ethan 🙂

  76. I really love this story.
    Ethan is handsome and so cute but
    i think ming dao is more handsome…
    ming dao look suibtable with joe chen..
    ming dao please MARRY joe chen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  77. ♥♥♥ missed Qcoh na aN9 fAted t0 Lov3 yOU …sAn4 ibalik Ulit yAn gustong guzto coh tl9a panoorin yan kc na kaka in lOve ….aN6 TOTOO Mahal na mah4L kita ♥♥♥

  78. gma 7 plsssssssss Lan6 ibalik ny0 an6 fated to love you kc ang ganda tlga 3h at nakaka in love ndi na kaka sawan6 panoorin

  79. i want more ming zhong zhu ding wo ai ni pls come up with 2 part leh i want to watch more!!!!!

  80. is ethan ruan younger than joe chen?or becoz of this reason,they dun try out the relationship?if is like this,is ok de.gang qin ke yi pei yang de,y dun u 2 try out first?or joe chen,u mean tht ethan ruan is childish?i serouisly think tht u 2 may be can try out

  81. Love Chen qiao en and her shows!:D


  83. Nice movie?even though my coments is late!

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